prof. UAM dr hab. Kamilla Pawłowska

Telefon: 0048-61-829 6017

profesor UAM

Redaktor tomu specjalnego, International Journal of Osteoarchaeology

Redaktor tomu specjalnego, Geologos

Konsorcjum naukowe z Centrum Nowych Technologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa (CeNT UW, Danijela Popović)

Research Gate


ORCID 0000-0002-4103-4501

Zainteresowania naukowe:

  • ewolucja zwierząt kręgowych;
  • historie depozycyjne kości ssaków plejstoceńskich;
  • znaczenie zwierząt w neolitycznych protomiejskich osadach w Turcji;
  • udomowienie ssaków;
  • znaczenie gospodarcze i społeczne zwierząt w epoce brązu, żelaza i w średniowieczu;
  • archeozoologia;
  • paleozoologia;
  • tafonomia;
  • plejstocen - średniowiecze

Współpraca z prasą w celu zwiększenia wiedzy i upowszechnienia wyników badań:

Badania › Popularyzacja

Wyróżnienia i Nagrody
  1. 2012: Individual award of the Rector (Chancellor) of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, awarded for achievement in scientific work, 2011.
  2. 2014: Award of the Dean of the Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, for achievements in scientific work during 2013. * I took third place in the faculty (FGGS) employee ranking for number of MNiSW points scored.
  3. 2015: Individual award of the Rector (Chancellor) of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, awarded for achievement in scientific work, 2014.
  4. 2015: Award of the Dean of the Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, for achievements in scientific work during 2014.
  5. 2015: Research scholarship of the Rector (Chancellor) of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, awarded as a token of recognition for outstanding achievements in scientific work during 2014. * I was the only person at the Institute of Geology, AMU, to receive a scholarship from the Rector; this was awarded for the first time in the history of the AMU for the adjunct with the highest efficiency index, in recognition of outstanding achievements in scientific work. ** In the statement of scientific achievements of the Institute of Geology, AMU (for 2016), I was ranked as the employee with the second-highest MNiSW score, averaged over the last three years.
  6. 2018: Award of the Dean of the Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, for achievements in scientific work during 2017.
  7. 2018: Award for the best oral presentation: Pawłowska, K. 2018. Life in the periglacial conditions: Faunal complex from the Middle and Late Pleistocene of Poland. III International Nature Conference of the Polish-Czech-Slovak Borderland, Poland (Zakopane).
  8. 2019: Award of the Dean of the Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, for achievements in scientific work during 2018.
  9. 2020: Award of the Rector (Chancellor) of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, awarded as an expression of support for the most productive scientifically experienced research staff for achievements in the field of scientific publications and projects.
  10. 2021: Individual award of the Rector (Chancellor) of Adam Mickiewicz University (First Degree Rector’s Award), Poznań, awarded for achievement in scientific work during 2020.
  11. 2021: The Excellence Initiative – Research University Award for publishing an article in an international journal in the 90-100 percentile group, Poznań
  12. 2021: The Excellence Initiative – Research University Award for publishing an article in an international journal in the 90-100 percentile group, Poznań
  13. 2022: The Excellence Initiative – Research University Award: Support for publishing in prestigious scientific journals
  14. 2022: Team award of the Rector (Chancellor) of Adam Mickiewicz University (Second Degree Rector’s Award), Poznań, awarded for the organization of a permanent exhibition at the AMU IG in 2020-2022.
  15. 2023: Individual award of the Rector (Chancellor) of Adam Mickiewicz University (First Degree Rector’s Award), Poznań, awarded for achievement in scientific work during 2022.
  16. 2023: The Excellence Initiative – Research University Award: Support for publishing in prestigious scientific journal

Pawłowska, K. 2016. Evaluation of Neolithic Çatalhöyük smells: A zooarchaeological perspective. Sensory histories of place workshop. Koç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (RCAC) (ANAMED), Istanbul, Turkey, 01–02 April 2016 (invited speaker)

Pawłowska, K. 2016. Taxonomy and taphonomy as the key in palaeozoological research. Young in Paleontology VIII, Opole, Poland, 18–19 November 2016 (invited speaker, conference opening lecture), (chairman of the session by invitation)

Pawłowska, K. 2016. Animal diseases in Neolithic societies: Çatalhöyük (Turkey) in the spotlight. 6th Meeting of the ICAZ Animal Palaeopathology Working Group (APWG) Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 26–29 May 2016 (invited chairperson of the session)

  1. Turkey, Çatalhöyük research field station, 3 weeks in each years from 2001 to 2017
  2. Poland, Warsaw, PGI-NRI Geological Museum in Warsaw, 2011–2012 (two weeks and three weeks)
  3. Germany, MaxPlanck Institute, 2022
  4. Germany, MaxPlanck Institute, 2023
  5. Poland, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, 2024, 3 weeks
  6. Poland, PGI-NRI Geological Museum in Warsaw, 2024, 3 week
  1. 2001: Natural background of medieval Gniezno and its surroundings in the light of archaeozoological and geological analysis, 2001–2003, Komitet Badań Naukowych, grant manager PI
  2. 2003: Cultural, biological, and geographical conditions of the end of the Neolithic in Anatolia. Excavation of the Neolithic Tell at Çatalhöyük in central Turkey, 2003–2004, interdepartmental grant.
  3. 2004: Neolithic economic and environmental changes of Çatalhöyük in the light of archaeozoological analysis, 2004–2007, Komitet Badań Naukowych, grant manager PI
  4. 2010: The fall of the great Neolithic proto-towns: Settlement, economic and social transformations in the last stages of settlement in Çatalhöyük East in Central Anatolia (6400–6000 cal. BC), 2010–2012, funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW), grant manager: Arkadiusz Marciniak
  5. 2014-2015: Cultural Heritage – Supporting Museum Activities. Programs of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage
  6. 2016: The history of the brown bear’s evolution (Ursus arctos Linnaeus, 1758) in Central Europe as the key to modern protection of the species, 2016– present, funded by the National Science Center, grant manager: Adrian Marciszak
  7. 2017: Life and death of an extinct rhino (Stephanorhinus sp.) from western Poland in the light of interdisciplinary paleoenvironmental research, 2017–present, funded by the National Science Center (NCN), grant manager: Krzysztof Stefaniak
  8. 2019: French National Scientific Research Center Funds, CNRS, 2019– present
  9. 2020: Phylogeography, genetic diversity and environments of elk in Eurasia during the late Pleistocene and Holocene, 2020– present, funded by the National Science Centre (NCN), grant manager: Magdalena Niedziałkowska
  10. 2020: Grant from a Danish foundation called Kroager Fonden for the elk project. The programme is called „Krogager Fondens og National museets Forsknings legat”, 2020-present
  11. 2020: Grant awarded by the Dean of the Department of Geographical and Geological Sciences. Program: Maintaining and Developing the Research Potential of the Faculty of Geosciences, discipline 607). Two projects: (i) Resource availability and hominin subsistence strategies in the European Pleistocene, (ii) Subsistence economy at final phases in Neolithic Çatalhöyük.
  12. 2021: ERC-StG-AGRICON, Ancient genomic reconstruction of convergent evolution to agriculture, Ancient population genomics to reconstruct general evolutionary circumstances, Program: H2020-EU.1.1. – EXCELLENT SCIENCE – European Research Council (ERC), Subject: ERC-2019-STG – ERC Starting Grant, Financing system: ERC-STG – Starting Grant, 2021– present
  13. 2021: EASI-Genomics – This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824110, 2021– present
  14. 2021: The Excellence Initiative – Research University grant, Programme: Support for publishing in prestigious scientific journals
  15. 2021: The Excellence Initiative – Research University grant, Programme: Support for publishing in prestigious scientific journals
  16. 2021: The Excellence Initiative – Research University grant, Programme: Support for publishing in prestigious scientific journals
  17. 2021: The Excellence Initiative – Research University grant, Programme: Support for publishing in prestigious scientific journals
  18. 2021: The Excellence Initiative – Research University grant, Programme: Mobility. Support for internationalization of Adam Mickiewicz University staff–International Junior and Senior Exchange. Fellowship Turkey.
  19. 2021: The Excellence Initiative – Research University grant, Programme: Support for participation of scientists and PhD students in prestigious scientific conferences
  20. 2021: Paleocondition of human and animals in the past: Pathological evidence, 2021-present, Funding from the Social Responsibility of Science  / Excellent Science (ID: 514271), funded by the Ministry of Education and Science, grant manager PI
  21. 2022: The Excellence Initiative – Research University grant, Programme: Support for publishing in prestigious scientific journals
  22. 2022: The Excellence Initiative – Research University grant, Programme: Support for publishing in prestigious scientific journals
  23. 2022: The Excellence Initiative – Research University grant, Programme: Support for participation of scientists and PhD students in prestigious scientific conferences
  24. 2022: Unraveling the chronological, geographical, and taphonomic complexities of the occurrence of the woolly rhinoceros in the Pleistocene contexts of Poland (WOOLRHINOPOLI) and Europe, 2022– present, funded by the National Science Centre (NCN), OPUS2022, Grant no. 2021/43/B/ST10/00362, grant manager (PI)
  25. 2022: Economic strategies and their transformations in the late and declining Neolithic period Central and Eastern Europe, 2022– present, funded by the National Science Centre (NCN), OPUS2022, grant manager: Łukasz Pospieszny
  26. 2022: The Excellence Initiative – Research University grant, Programme: Support for participation of scientists and PhD students in prestigious scientific conferences
  27. 2022: The Excellence Initiative – Research University grant, Programme: Mobility. Support for internationalization of Adam Mickiewicz University staff–International Junior and Senior Exchange. Internship in Germany.
  28. 2024: The Excellence Initiative – Research University grant, Programme: Support for participation of scientists in prestigious scientific conferences.


  • Pawłowska, K., Pogoda, Z., 2024. Birds in art through time: European evidence for a background motif in the representation of the woolly rhinoceros. 11th Bird Working Group (BWG) of the International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ), 05–8.06.2024, Dania, Kopenhaga, referat
  • Pawłowska, K., Dedła, K., Płonka, K, 2024. Archiwa przyrodnicze Wielkopolski: Pierwsza baza danych fauny plejstoceńskiej z Centralnej Polski. 4th Polski Kongres Geologiczny, 10–14.06.2024, poster
  • Pawłowska, K., 2024. Historia badań nosorożca włochatego w Polsce: Stan wiedzy. 4th Polski Kongres Geologiczny, 10–14.06.2024, Poznań, referat
  • Pawłowska, K., 2024. Megafauna plejstoceńska w Polsce: potencjał i perspektywy. Otwarcie Lapidarium w Hołowno w ramach idei Parku Plejstoceńskiego, 24.08.2024, Hołowno, referat
  • IV Polski Kongres Geologiczny, 11–14.06.2024, Member of the Organizing Committee


  • Özkan, M., Gürün, K., Yüncü, E., Vural, K.B., Atağ, G., Akbaba, a., Fidan, F.R., Sağlıcan, E., Altınışık, N.E., Koptekin, D., Pawłowska, K., Hodder,I., Adcock, S.E., Arbuckle, B.S., Steadman, S.R., McMahon, G., Erdal, Y.S., Bilgin, C.C., Geigl, E-M., Grange, T., Götherstrom, A., Özer, F., Somel, M.): Archaeogenomics and the First Nuclear Genomes of Extinct European Wild Ass. 10th International Council for Archaeozoology, Archaeozoology, Genetics, Proteomics, and Morphometrics (ICAZ AGPM) Working Group Meeting, 10-13.10.2023, Germany, Munich, oral presentation

  • Pawłowska, K., 2023. Woolly rhinoceros in faunistic structure of central Europe in MIS 3-2. ESCC 2nd Global Summit on Advances in Earth Science and Climate Change” (Adv. ESCC 2023), 15-16.09.2023, Wielka Brytania, London, Distinquished Speaker

  • Runge, AKW., Pawłowska, K., Gillis, R., Light, I., Uhl, R., Reinhold, S., Eger, J., Ernée, M., Kysely, R., Stockhammer, P., Massy, K., Benecke, N., Kaniuth, K., Hansen, S., Key, F.M.): Investigating prehistoric zoonotic disease reservoirs. ISBA 10th Meeting of the ISBA (The International Society for Biomolecular Archaeology), 13–16.09.2023, Estonia, Tartu, oral presentation\

  • Pawłowska, K., 2023. Środowiska depozycji szczątków nosorożca włochatego i mamuta włochatego w Polsce [Depositional environments of woolly rhino and woolly mammoth remains]. Terenowe Warsztaty Sedymentologiczne, 11–15.09.2023, Polska, Ślesin, poster

  • Terenowe Warsztaty Sedymentologiczne, 11–15.09.2023, Polska, Ślesin. Member of the Organizing Committee

  • Pawłowska, K., Alvarez Lao, D.J., Croitor, R., Dietrich, C., van Kolfschoten, T., Lister, A., Mackiewicz, P., Pandolfi, L., Stuart, T., Uzunidis, A., Codrea, V., 2023. Rhinoceros in Paleolithic art. 20th Congress of the International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (UISPP), 05–09.09.2023, Rumunia, Timişoara, oral presentation

  • Pawłowska, K., Alvarez Lao, D.J., Croitor, R., Dietrich, C., van Kolfschoten, T., Lister, A., Mackiewicz, P., Pandolfi, L., Stuart, T., Uzunidis, A., Codrea, V., 2023. Woolly rhinoceros populations in Pleistocene Eurasia: A genetic view. 20th Congress of the International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (UISPP), 05–09.09.2023, Rumunia, Timişoara, oral presentation

  • Pawłowska, K., 2023. Rituals at the end of the Neolithic occupation of the East mound at Çatalhöyük, Turkey.) 14th International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ), 08–12.08.2023, Australia, Cairns, poster

  • Pawłowska, K., Codrea, V., van Kolfschoten, T., Lister, A., Pandolfi, L., Uzunidis, A., 2023. Woolly rhinoceros and the roots of ritualism. 14th International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ), 08–12.08.2023, Australia, Cairns, oral presentation

  • SMBE Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution, 07.2023, Italy, Ferrara, referat (Özkan, M., Gürün, K., Yüncü, E., Vural, K.B., Atağ, G., Akbaba, a., Fidan, F.R., Sağlıcan, E., Altınışık, N.E., Koptekin, D., Pawłowska, K., Hodder,I., Adcock, S.E., Arbuckle, B.S., Steadman, S.R., McMahon, G., Erdal, Y.S., Bilgin, C.C., Geigl, E-M., Grange, T., Götherstrom, A., Özer, F., Somel, M.): The first complete genome of the European wild ass (Equus hydruntinus) reveals its reticulate phylogenetic history, dramatic population decline, and its latest survivors

  • Pawłowska, K., Alvarez Lao, D.J., Croitor, R., Dietrich, C., van Kolfschoten, T., Lister, A., Mackiewicz, P., Pandolfi, L., Stuart, A., Uzunidis, A., Codrea, V., 2023. Pleistocene woolly rhinoceros skulls: A methodological approach. 21th International Union for Quaternary Congress (INQUA), 13–20.07.2023, Italia, Roma, poster

  • Pawłowska, K. 2023. A review of the woolly rhinoceros Pleistocene record in Poland. 21th International Union for Quaternary Congress (INQUA), 13–20.07.2023, Italia, Roma, oral presentation

  • Pawłowska, K. 2023. Woolly rhinoceros in environmental setting of Pleistocene Europe. 2nd World Conference on Environmental and Earth Sciences (WCEES-2023), 15–16.05.2023, France, Paris, Keynote Speaker

  • Pawłowska, K., Alvarez lao, D.J., Croitor, R., Dietrich, C., Kolfschoten, T., Lister, A., Mackiewicz, P., Pandolfi, L., Stuart, A., Uzunidis, A., Codrea, V. 2023. Human- animal relation in Pleistocene: narration around the woolly rhinoceros. 4th Palaeontological Virtual Congress, 8–22.05.2023, oral presentation

  • Runge, A.K.W., Pawłowska, K., Gillis, R.E., Uhl, R., Reinhold, R., Eger, J., Ernee, M., Kysely, R., Stockhammer, P., Massy, K., Benecke, N., Kaniuth, K., Hansen, S., Key, F.M. 2023. Investigating prehistoric zoonotic disease reservoirs. Max Plack Institute for Infection Biology.


  • 8th International Council for Archaeozoology Animal Palaeopathology Working Group (ICAZ APWG), 06–11.09.2022, Polska, Wrocław, Conference Organizer

  • Özkan, M., Gürün, K., Yüncü, E., Vurak, K.B., Akbaba, A., Fidan, F.R., Sağlıcan, E., Altınışık, N.E., Koptekin, D., Pawłowska, K., Hodder, I., Adcock, S.E., Arbuckle, B., Steadman, S R., McMahon, G., Erdal, Y-S., Bilgin, C.C., Götherstrom, A., Özer, F., Somel, M. 2022. Speciation status, complex population history and extinction mechanisms of European Wild Ass. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Symposium (EEBST), 07–09.09.2022, METU, Ankara, Turkey

  • Pawłowska, K., Poradowski, D., Chrószcz, A. 2022. Megafauna diseases and trauma in the Pleistocene world. 8th ICAZ APWG, 06–10.09.2022, Poland, Wrocław

  • Pawłowska, K., Poradowski, D., Chrószcz, A. 2022. Determining the health condition of Medieval animals using bioarcheological data from Giecz. 8th ICAZ APWG, 06–10.09.2022, Poland, Wrocław

  • Chrószcz, A., Pawłowska, K., Poradowski, D. 2022. From Etablissement Schaffgotschgarten to Division of Animal Anatomy. 8th ICAZ APWG, 06–10.09.2022, Poland, Wrocław

  • Chrószcz, A., Onar, V., Poradowski, D., Pawłowska, K. 2022. Equine locomotor apparatus, anatomical point of view. 8th ICAZ APWG, 06–10.09.2022, Poland, Wrocław

  • Poradowski, D., Chrószcz, A., Jedynak, A., Pawłowska, K., Onar, V. 2022. Bovine burial in Krzczonowice, Neolithic tuberculosis and human society. 8th ICAZ APWG, 06–10.09.2022, Poland, Wrocław

  • 8th ICAZ APWG, 06–10.09.2022, Poland, Wrocław, charman

  • Pawłowska, K. 2022. Animals embedded in Quaternary environments. Geology and Earth Science (Geology2022), 19–20.09.2022, France, Paris, Invited speaker

  • Pawłowska, K., Miciak, M., Klimowicz, P. 2022. Poverty in medieval Giecz, Poland: a zooarchaeological perspective. I ICAZ MWG, 28–30.09.2022, Norway, Bergen

  • Pawłowska, K. 2022. Animals in the past: Quaternary evidence of climate change and health condition. 4th International Nature Conference of the Polish-Czech-Slovak Borderland, 1-2.10.2022, Poland, Zakopane

  • Pawłowska, K. 2022. Tracing environmental changes in the past using faunal and geological data. World Conference on  Environmental and Earth Sciences (WCEES-2022), 24-25.10.2022, Spain, Valencia, Keynote Speaker.


  • Puzachenko, A., Markova, A., Pawłowska, K.. Nonlinearity, threshold effect and emergence property in evolution of the Central European regional mammal assemblage in MIS7-MIS1 (~~200 cal ka).The Section on European Quaternary Stratigraphy of the International Union of Quaternary Research (INQUA-SEQS) 2021 Virtual Meeting, Poland, Wrocław, 13.12.2021

  • Pyzel, J., Pawłowska, K., Barański, M.Z. Animal foodways in Late Neolithic Çatalhöyük: Iintegrating spatial, pottery, and faunal data. 27th Annual Meeting of EAA, Germany, Kiel, 6-11.09.2021


  • Pawłowska, K., 2020. Faunal Isotopes Database Webinar, 30.10.2020, Virtual Meeting.Faunal Isotopes Database Webinar, 30.10.2020, Virtual Meeting.

  • Pawłowska, K., 2020. 41st Association for Environmental Archaeology (AEA) webinars, 29.09.2020, live streamed

  • Pawłowska, K., 2020. The Section on European Quaternary Stratigraphy of the International Union of Quaternary Research (INQUA-SEQS) 2020 Virtual Meeting: “Quaternary Stratigraphy – palaeoenvironment, sediments, fauna and human migrations across Central Europe”, Polska (Wrocław), 28.09.2020


  • Pawłowska, K., 2019. Bones never lie: Depositional pathways of food disposal at Çatalhöyük from the Bronze Age to the Phrygian, Hellenistic, and Muslim periods. 14th International ASWA (Archaeozoology of Southwestern Asia and Adjacent Areas- ICAZ Working Group) Meeting, Hiszpania (Barcelona), 03-07.06.2019

  • Pawłowska, K., Resource availability and hominin subsistence strategies in the European Pleistocene. 20th International Union for Quaternary Congress (INQUA), Irlandia (Dublin), 25– 31.07.2019

  • Roffet-Salque, M., Marciniak, A., Valdes, P.J., Pawłowska, K., Pyzel, J., Czerniak, L., Krüger, M., Roberts, C.N., Pitter, S., Evershed, R.P., 2019. Building novel compound-specific hydrogen isotope records relating to Prehistoric human responses to climate change. 25th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), Szwajcaria (Bern), 04–07.09.2019


  • Pawłowska, K. 2018. Life in the periglacial conditions: Faunal complex from the Middle and Late Pleistocene of Poland. III International Nature Conference of the Polish-Czech-Slovak Borderland, Polska (Zakopane), 01–02.12.2018

  • Ludwikowska-Kędzia, M., Urban, J., Żarski, M., Ochman, K., Woroncowa-Marcinowska, T., Kasza, A., Pawłowska, K., Hercman, H. 2018. Padół Kielecko-Łagowski i Kotlina Słopca. XXV Konferencja „Stratygrafia plejstocenu Polski„, Polska (Huta Szklana k/Bielin), 03–07.09.2018

  • Pawłowska, K. 2018. Subsistence strategies and use of the natural environment at late Neolithic Çatalhöyük, Turkey. 13th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ), Turcja (Ankara), 02–07.09.2018

  • Pawłowska, K., García-Díaz, V., Barański, M.Z. 2018. Zooarcheological contributions to the study of the Çatalhöyük figurines: Choice and modification of equid phalanges. 13th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ), Turcja (Ankara), 02–07.09.2018

  • Matuszewska, A., Pawłowska, K., 2018. Bursztyn na hałdach węglowych?. Bursztynisko 41, 50–55


  • Marciszak, A., Makowiecki, D., Lipecki, G., Kyselý, R., Pawłowska, K., Gornig, W., Káňa, V., Robličková, M., Wagner, J. 2017. Admiration and fear – brown bear Ursus artos, 1758 and human relations based on reconstruction on Central European archaeological and palaeontological sites. Kvartér, 23th Quaternary Conference, Czechy (Brno), 01.12.2017

  • Marciszak, A., Schouwenbourg, Ch., Lipecki, G., Pawłowska, K., Gornig, W., Káňa, V., Roblíčková, M. 2017. Steppe brown bear Ursus arctos priscus Goldfuss, 1818–Huge scavenger of Late Pleistocene grasslands paleocommunities. International Conference INQUA-SEQS, Francja (Tautavel), 10–15.09.2017

  • Stefaniak, K., Mackiewicz, P., Semba, A., Ratajczak, U., Wojtal, P., Shpansky, A., Malikov, D., Krakhmalnaya, T., Kovalchuk, O., Boeskorov, G., Nikolskiy, P., Baca, M., Popović, D., Pawłowska, K., Jakubowski, G., Roblíčkova, M., Nadachowski, D. 2017. Spatial-temporal distribution and morphometric differentiation of musk ox Ovibos moschatus Zimmerman, 1870 from Eurasia. Populations in the Non-Optimal Environment, INQUA (International Union for Quaternary Science) International Field Workshop, Ukraina (Chernivtsi–Neporotove–Borshchiv– Kamyanets–Podilsky), 20–23.09.2017

  • Pawłowska, K. 2017. Small carnivores from a Late Neolithic burial chamber at Çatalhöyük, Turkey: Pelts, rituals, and rodents. 13th International ASWA (Archaeozoology of Southwestern Asia and Adjacent Areas- ICAZ Working Group) Conference, Cypr (Nicosia), 06–11.06.2017


  • Pawłowska, K. 2016. Taksonomia i tafonomia kluczem w badaniach paleozoologicznych. Młodzi w Paleontologii VIII, Polska (Opole), 18–19.11.2016 (invited speaker, referat otwierający konferencje), (przewodnicząca sesji)

  • Hrynowiecka, A., Żarski, M., Jakubowski, G., Nadachowski, A., Pawłowska, K., Pawłowski, D., Szymanek, M. 2016. A multi-proxy study on sediments and mammal remains from Ławy paleolake (E Poland) – Eemian and Vistulian record of the paleoenvironmental changes. 17th Czech – Slovak – Polish Palaeontological Conference, Polska (Kraków), 20–21.10.2016

  • Semba, A., Ratajczak, U., Pawłowska, K., Nadachowski, A., Wojtal, P., Shpansky, A.V., Malikov, D.G., Krakhmalnaya, T.V., Stefaniak, K. 2016. Szczątki kostne piżmowoła Ovibos moschatus (Zimmermann, 1780) z obszaru Polski i Europy Środkowej na tle występowania tego gatunku w Eurazji. XXIII Konferencja Naukowa Sekcji Paleontologicznej Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego (PTG), Polska (Poznań), 21–23.09.2016

  • Pawłowska, K. 2016. Mammuthus–Coelodonta kompleks faunistyczny ze środkowego i późnego plejstocenu Polski: Stratygraficzna i tafonomiczna perspektywa. XXIII Konferencja Naukowa Sekcji Paleontologicznej Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego (PTG), Polska (Poznań), 21–23.09.2016

  • Pawłowska, K. 2016. Large mammals affected by hominins: A Biogeographic synthesis of butchering for the European Early and Middle Pleistocene. XIV Annual Meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists (EAVP), Holandia (Haarlem), 06–10.07.2016

  • Pawłowska, K. 2016. Animal diseases in Neolithic societies: Çatalhöyük (Turkey) in the spotlight. 6th Meeting of ICAZ Animal Palaeopathology Working Group (ICAZ APWG) Conference, Węgry (Budapeszt), 26–29.05.2016 (przewodnicząca sesji)

  • Pawłowska, K. 2016. Evaluation of Neolithic Çatalhöyük Smells: A Zooarchaeological Perspective. Sensory Histories of Place Workshop, Koç University’s Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (RCAC) (ANAMED), Turcja (Istambul), 01–02.04.2016 (invited speaker)


  • Woroncowa-Marcinowska, T., Pawłowska, K., Żarski, M., Urban, J. 2015. Pleistocene mammal assemblages from fluvial, aeolian and cave sediments of Poland (Geological Museum PGI-NRI collections, Warsaw). 16th Czech – Slovak – Polish Palaeontological Conference, Czechy (Olomouc), 10–11.09.2015

  • Pawłowska, K. 2015. Time of Change: Cattle in the Social practices of Late Neolithic Çatalhöyük.12th International ASWA (Archaeozoology of Southwestern Asia and Adjacent Areas- ICAZ Working Group) Conference, Holandia (Groningen), 10–13.06.2015


  • Pawłowska, K., Shillito, L.M. 2014. Midden Taphonomy at Çatalhöyük: Integrating Zooarchaeological and Micromorphological Perspectives. 12th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ), Argentyna (San Rafael), 22–28.09.2014

  • Barański, M.Z, Suárez, A.G., Klimowicz, A., Love, S., Pawłowska, K. 2014. Complexity in Simplicity. Reflections on Çatalhöyük Architecture as Process. 20th Annual Meeting of EAA (European Association of Archaeologists), Turcja (Istambul), 10–14.09.2014

  • Kutlu, S.O., Carter, T., Twiss, K., Pawłowska, K., Tarkan, D., Czerniak, L., Marciniak, A. 2014. The End of the Neolithic Settlement: Çatalhöyük and Its Neighbors. 20th Annual Meeting of EAA (European Association of Archaeologists), Turcja (Istambul), 10–14.09.2014

  • Pawłowska, K. 2014. Elephantids from the Pleistocene of Poland: State of knowledge. VIth International Conference on Mammoths and their Relatives, Grecja (Grevena–Siatista), 05–12.05.2014

  • Pawłowska, K. 2014. Studies on Pleistocene and Holocene Mammals from Poland: The Legacy of Edward Feliks Lubicz-Niezabitowski (1875–1946). VIth International Conference on Mammoths and their Relatives, Grecja (Grevena–Siatista), 05–12.05.2014


  • Pawłowska, K. 2013. Smell of Neolithic Çatalhöyük (Turkey). Time and space of human activity. 11th International ASWA (Archaeozoology of Southwestern Asia and Adjacent Areas) Conference, Izrael (Haifa), 23–28.06.2013


  • Pawłowska, K., Czubla, P. 2012. Mammalian remains in their depositional context in Middle Poland (MIS 7–11?). European Middle Palaeolithic during MIS 8–MIS 3, cultures – environment – chronology, Polska (Wolbrom), 25–28.09.2012


  • Marciniak, A., Pawłowska, K. 2011. Human–animals relations in the Late Neolithic at Çatalhöyük East. 10th International ASWA (Archaeozoology of Southwestern Asia and Adjacent Areas) Conference, Belgia (Bruksela), 28–30.06.2011


  • Pawłowska, K. 2010. Late Hellenistic/ Early Roman bone deposit from kilns infills in Catalhoyuk (TP Area)). 11th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ), Francja (Paryż), 23–28.08.2010


  • Pawłowska, K. 2009. Plejstoceńska bioróżnorodność w Krosinku. Sesja Jubileuszowa „Wielkopolski Park Narodowy w badaniach przyrodniczych”, Polska (Jeziory), 20.11.2009

  • Pawłowska, K. 2009. The remains of workshop place in Inowroclaw or the wastes from this place? Preliminary results. 7th Meeting of ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group (ICAZ WBRG), Polska (Wrocław), 07–11.09.2009

  • Pawłowska, K. 2009. Tafonomia plejstoceńskich kości ssaków. XVI Konferencja „Stratygrafia plejstocenu Polski, Polska (Zimna Woda k. Łukowa), 31.08–04.09.2009


  • Pawłowska, K. 2008. Ssaki plejstocenu Wielkopolski. V Seminarium Geneza, Litologia i Stratygrafia Utworów Czwartorzędowych, Polska (Poznań), 20–21.11.2008


  • Pawłowska, K., 2005. Znaczenie rybołówstwa, łowiectwa i hodowli zwierząt w średniowiecznej Wenecji. Konferencja Archeologiczna, Polska (Inowrocław).


  • Pawłowska K., 2000 – Szczątki ssaków w materiałach archeologicznych Gniezna. In: Bioróżnorodność i ochrona ssaków w Polsce, Streszczenia VIII Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Teriologicznej, Lublin: 81-82


  • Pawłowska K., 1999 – Analiza szczątków kostnych z średniowiecznego Gniezna, W: J. Skoczylas (red.), Streszczenia referatów PTG, nr VIII, Poznań, UAM: 129-132


  • Nikodem K., 1998 – Analiza morfologiczno-osteometryczna górnoplejstoceńskiego szkieletu konia z Sierakowa. Streszczenia VII Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Teriologicznej, Białowieża, PAN: 65-66


  • Niedziałkowska, M, Górny, M., Gornia, J., Popović, D., Baca, M., Ratajczak-Skrzatek, U., Kovalchuk, O., Sykut, M., Suska-Malawska, M., Mackiewicz, P., Hofman-Kamińska, E., Kowalczyk, R., Czarniauski, M., Pawłowska, K., Makowiecki, D., Tataurova, L., Bondarev, A., Shpansky, A., Protopopov, A.V., Sorokin, A.D., Saarma, U., Kosintsev, P., Schmölcke, U., Wilczyński, J., Lipecki, G., Nadachowski, A., Boeskorov, G.G., Baryshnikov, G.F., Zorzin, R., Vorobiova, N., Moskvitina, N.S., Leshchinskiy, S., Malikov, D., Berdnikov, I.M., Balasescu, A., Boroneant, A., Klementiev, A., Fyfe, R., Woodbridge, J., Stefaniak, K. 2024/2025. Impact of global environmental changes on the range contraction of Eurasian moose since the Late Pleistocene, Science of the Total Environment 2024 Oct 29:177235. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.177235

  • Pawłowska, K., Dedła, K., & Płonka, K. 2024. Chronology and distribution of Pleistocene woolly rhinoceros: A review of the archival data from Poland. Geologos, 30(2), 95-117.

  • Özkan, M., Gürün, K., Yüncü, E., Vural, K. B., Atağ, G., Akbaba, A., Fidan, F.R., Sağlıcan, E., Altınışık, E.N., Koptekin, D., Pawłowska, K., Hodder, I., Adcock, S.E., Arbuckle, B.S., Steadman, S.R., McMahon, G., Erdal, Y.S., Bilgin, C.C., Togan, İ., Geigl, E-M., Götherström, A., Grange, T., Özer, F., Somel, M. 2024. The first complete genome of the extinct European wild ass (Equus hemionus hydruntinus). Molecular Ecology, 33(14), e17440.


  • Pawłowska, K., 2023. In front of the retreating ice-sheet: Fauna complex of central-western Poland in MIS 3–2 (Krosinko site). Quaternary International 674–675, 138–151.

  • Pawłowska, K., Pyzel, J., Barański, M. Z., Roffet-Salque, M. 2023. Commensality as social integration in Neolithic Çatalhöyük: Pottery, faunal, and architectural approaches. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 70, 101509.


  • Pawłowska, K., 2022. MIS 3–1 fauna from Krosinko: Implications for the past biogeography, chronology and palaeoenvironments of Poland. Quaternary International 632, 79-93.

  • Pawłowska, K., Zieliński, T., Woronko, B., Sobkowiak-Tabaka, I., Stachowicz-Rybka, R., 2022. Integrated environmental records in Late Pleistocene Poland: The paleofluvial regime and paleoclimate inferred from Krosinko site. Quaternary International 616, 12–29.

  • Pawłowska, K., Shillito, L-M., 2022. An integrated zooarchaeological and micromorphological perspective on midden taphonomy at Late Neolithic Çatalhöyük. Open Archaeology 8: 436–459.

  • Hrynowiecka, A., Żarski, M., Chmielowska, D., Pawłowska, K., Okupny, D., Michczyński, A., Kukulak, J., 2022. Reconstruction of 26 kyrs palaeoenvironmental history of the Czarny Dunajec Fan – A multiproxy study of the Długopole gravel pit deposits (Western Carpathians, S Poland). Catena 211(2):105940, https: //doi.0.1016/j.catena.2021.105940

  • Puzachenko, A. Y., Markova, A. K., Pawłowska, K., 2022. Evolution of Central European regional mammal assemblages between the late Middle Pleistocene and the Holocene (MIS7–MIS1). Quaternary International 633, 80-102.


  • Barański, M.Z., Czerniak, L., García-Suárez, A., Love, S., Pawłowska, K., Tsoraki, C., Vasić, M., Bayliss, A., Doyle, S., Guerre, L., Sobott, R., Stroud, E., Tarkan, D., Tibbetts, B., Wolfhagen, J., 2021. Integrating records of Mellaart and Hodder research projects at Çatalhöyük: the GDN Area. In: Hodder I. & Tsoraki, Ch. (Eds.), Communities at work. The making of Çatalhöyük. British Institute at Ankara Monograph 55, Çatalhöyük Research Project Series 15, 51-71.

  • Wolfhagen, J., Veropoulidou, R., Ayala, G., Filipović, D., Lancelotti, C., Madella, M., Kabukcu, C., Pawłowska, K., Santiago-Marrero, C.G., Wainwright, J., 2021. The Seasonality of Using Wetland and Riparian Environments at Çatalhöyük. In: Hodder I. & Tsoraki, Ch. (Eds.), Communities at work. The making of Çatalhöyük. British Institute at Ankara Monograph 55, Çatalhöyük Research Project Series 15, 103-115.

  • Issavi, J., Bennison-Chapman, L., Bogaard, A., Der, L., Doyle, S., García Suárez, A., Haddow, S., Kabukcu, C., Pawłowska, K., Schechter, H., Tarkan, D., Tsoraki, C., Vasić, M., Veropoulidou, R., Wolfhagen, J., 2021. The complexity of open spaces at Çatalhöyük. In: Hodder I. & Tsoraki, Ch. (Eds.), Communities at work. The making of Çatalhöyük. British Institute at Ankara Monograph 55, Çatalhöyük Research Project Series 15, 115-147.

  • Barański, M.Z., García-Suárez, A., Kabukcu, C., Klimowicz, A., Love, S., Matthews, W., Mazzucato, C., Pawłowska, K., Sobott, R., Tsoraki, Ch., Tung, B., 2021. Continuity and change in architectural traditions at Neolithic Çatalhöyük. In: Hodder I. & Tsoraki, Ch. (Eds.), Communities at work. The making of Çatalhöyük. British Institute at Ankara Monograph 55, Çatalhöyük Research Project Series 15, 177-199.

  • González Carretero, L., Bennison-Chapman, L., Demirergi, A., Fuller, D.Q., Ketchum, S., Madella, M., Pawłowska, K., Santiago-Marrero, C., Tsoraki, C., Twiss, K.C., Veropoulidou, R., 2021. Disentangling Neolithic cuisine: archaeological evidence for 9,000-year-old food preparation practices and cooking techniques at Çatalhöyük East. In: Hodder I. & Tsoraki, Ch. (Eds.), Communities at work. The making of Çatalhöyük. British Institute at Ankara Monograph 55, Çatalhöyük Research Project Series 15, 229-243.

  • Stefaniak, K., Lipecki, G., Nadachowski, A., Semba, A., Ratajczak, U., Kotowski, A., Roblíčková, M., Wojtal, P., Shpansky, A.V., Malikov, D.G., Krakhmalnaya, T.V., Kovalchuk, O.M., Boeskorov, G.G., Nikolskiy, P.A., Baryshnikov, G.F., Ridush, B., Jakubowski, G., Pawłowska, K., Cyrek, K., Sudoł-Procyk, M., Czyżewski, Ł., Krajcarz, M., Krajcarz, M.T., Żeromska, A., Gagat, P., Mackiewicz, P. 2021. Diversity of muskox Ovibos moschatus Zimmerman, 1780 (Bovidae, Mammalia) in time and space based on cranial morphometry. Historical Biology, 33:1, 62-77,

  • Marciszak, A., Lipecki, G., Pawłowska, K., Jakubowski, G., Ratajczak-Skrzatek, U., Zarzecka-Szubińska, K., Nadachowski, A., 2021. The Pleistocene lion Panthera spelaea (Goldfuss, 1810) from Poland – A review. Quaternary International 605-606: 213-240,



  • Pawłowska, K., 2019. Lucety jako przykład narzędzi kościanych w średniowiecznej Dąbrówce. W: Dwa grody nad Wirynką. Dąbrówka, stanowiska 1 i 2, woj. wielkopolskie (red. red. M. Szmyt i P. Pawlak. Bibliotheca Fontes Archaeologici Posnanienses 25: 505–506.


  • Roffet-Salque, M., Marciniak, A., Valdes, P.J., Pawłowska, K., Pyzel, J., Czerniak, L., Krueger, M., Roberts, N., Pitter, S., Evershed, R.P., 2018. Evidence for the impact of the 8.2 kyr BP climate event on Near Eastern early farmers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2018 115 (35) 8705-8709

  • Pawłowska, K., Marciszak, A., 2018. Small carnivores from a Late Neolithic burial chamber at Çatalhöyük, Turkey: pelts, rituals, and rodents. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 10, 1225–1243, DOI: 10.1007/s12520-017-0526-1

  • Pawłowska, K. 2018. Animal diseases in Neolithic societies: Çatalhöyük (Turkey) in the spotlight. In: Bartosiewicz, L., Gál, E. (Eds.), Care or Neglect? Evidence of Animal Disease in Archaeology. Proceedings of the Sixth ICAZ Animal Paleopathology Working Group Conference. Oxbow Book, Oxford: 5–23.

  • Hrynowiecka, A., Żarski, M., Jakubowski, G., Nadachowski, A., Pawłowska, K., Pawłowski, D., Szymanek, M., Nast, D., 2018. Eemian and Vistulian (Weichselian) paleoenvironmental changes: A multi-proxy study of sediments and mammal remains from the Ławy paleolake (Eastern Poland). Quaternary International 467, Part A, 131-146, DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2016.10.033


  • Pawłowska, K., 2017. Large mammals affected by hominins: Paleogeography of butchering for the European Early and Middle Pleistocene. Quaternary International 438, 104-115, DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2017.03.043

  • Woroncowa-Marcinowska, T., Pawłowska, K., Żarski, M., Urban, J. 2017. Zespoły plejstoceńskiej fauny (zbiory Muzeum Geologicznego PIG-PIB) w ujęciu stratygraficznym, geologicznym i tafonomicznym. [The Pleistocene mammal assemblages from the Geological Museum of PGI-NRI; a stratigraphical, geological and taphonomic approach.] Przegląd Geologiczny 65, 1: 53–62.


  • Pawłowska, K., 2016. Osada kultury przeworskiej w Izdebnie Kościelnym. Perspektywa archeozoologiczna w aspekcie rzemieślniczym i depozycyjnym. W: Domaradzka, S., Józwiak, B., Machajewski, H., Waluś, A. (Red.), Wielokulturowe stanowisko I w miejscowości Izdebno Kościelne, gmina Grodzisk Mazowiecki, Światowit Supplements Series M: Via Archaeologica Masoviensis. Źródła archeologiczne z badań wykopaliskowych na autostradzie A2, odcinek mazowiecki: 393–416.


  • Pawłowska K., 2015. Elephantids from Pleistocene Poland: State of knowledge. Quaternary International 379: 89-105

  • Pawłowska K., 2015. Studies on Pleistocene and Holocene mammals from Poland: The Legacy of Edward Feliks Lubicz-Niezabitowski (1875–1946). Quaternary International 379: 118-127

  • Barański M.Z., García-Suárez A., Klimowicz A., Love S., Pawłowska K. 2015. The Architecture of Neolithic Çatalhöyük as a Process. Complexity in Apparent Simplicity. In: Hodder, I., Marciniak, A. (Eds.), Assembling Çatalhöyük. Themes in Contemporary Archaeology 1: 111–126


  • Stefaniak K., Pawłowska K., Ratajczak U., Robličková M., Gumiński W., Wojtal P. 2014 – Middle and Late Pleistocene elks (Cervalces Scott, 1855 and Alces Gray, 1821) from Poland: palaeoenvironmental and palaeogeographic implications. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 84: 341-362

  • Żarski M., Pawłowska K., Wojtal P., Wilczyński J., Kowalik N., Krzemińska A., Wędzicha S., 2014 – VIth International Conference on Mammoths and their Relatives Grewena–Siatista, Grecja, 5–12.05.2014. Przegląd Geologiczny 62: 332-333

  • Pawłowska K., 2014 – The smells of Neolithic Çatalhöyük, Turkey: Time and space of human activity. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 36: 1-11

  • Arbuckle B.S., Kansa S.W., Kansa E., Orton D.C., Çakirlar C., Gourichon L., Atici L., Galik A., Marciniak A., Mulville J., Buitenhuis H., Carruthers D., De Cupere B., Demirergi A., Frame S., Helmer D., Martin L., Peters J., Pollath N., Pawłowska K., Russell N., Twiss K., Wurtenburger D., 2014 – Data Sharing Reveals Complexity in the Westward Spread of Domestic Animals across Neolithic Turkey. PLoS ONE 9: e99845

  • Pawłowska K., Stefaniak K., Nowakowski D. 2014. Healed antler fracture in a giant deer (Megaloceros giganteus) from the Pleistocene of Poland. Palaeontologia Electronica 17, 23A, 9p

  • Croitor R., Stefaniak K., Pawłowska K., Ridush B., Wojtal P., Stach M., 2014 – Giant deer Megaloceros giganteus Blumenbach, 1799 (Cervidae, Mammalia) from Palaeolithic of Eastern Europe. Quaternary International 326-327: 91-104

  • Pawłowska K., Greenfield H., Czubla P., 2014 – ‘Steppe’ mammoth (Mammuthus trogontherii) remains in their geological and cultural context from Bełchatów (Poland): A consideration of human exploitation in the Middle Pleistocene. Quaternary International 326-327: 448-468


  • Woroncowa-Marcinowska T., Żarski M., Pawłowska K., Urban J., 2013 – Rewizja i naukowe opracowanie kości ssaków zgromadzonych w kolekcjach Muzeum Geologicznego PIG-PIB”. Praca Archiwalna, Narodowe Archiwum Geologiczne, pp. 130


  • Pawłowska K., 2011 – The remains of a late medieval workshop in Inowroclaw (Kuyavia, Poland): horncores, antlers and bones. In: J. Baron & B. Kufel-Diakowska (Ed.), Written in Bones. Studies on technological and social context of past faunal skeletal remains, Wrocław, 313-319

  • Pawłowska K., 2011 – Zwierzęta domowe i ich gospodarcze i społeczne znaczenie w średniowieczu na Wysoczyźnie Gnieźnieńskiej. PWRiL


  • Lorenc M., Pawłowska K., 2010 – Pierwsze radiowęglowe (14C) datowania kości ssaków ze żwirowni w Krosinku. Przegląd Geologiczny 58: 1103-1106

  • Pawłowska K., 2010 – The usefulness of a taphonomic approach for studies of Pleistocene mammals. Geologos 16: 183-189


  • Pawłowska K., 2009 – Tafonomia plejstoceńskich kości ssaków. In: M. Żarski, S. Lisicki (Ed.), Strefa marginalna lądolodu zlodowacenia warty i pojezierza plejstoceńskie na południowym Podlasiu, Warszawa, PIG, PIB: 78-80

  • Pawłowska K., 2009 – Plejstoceńska bioróżnorodność faunistyczna w Krosinku. W: Wielkopolski Park Narodowy w badaniach przyrodniczych (red. B. Walna, L. Kaczmarek, M. Lorenc, R. Dondajewska). Poznań- Jeziory: 207-212


  • Rusell N., Twiss K., Pawłowska K., et al., 2008 – Catalhöyük Animal Bones 2008, In: Catalhöyük 2008 Archive Report: Cultural And Environmental Materials Reports: 110-126


  • Twiss K., Demirergi A., Russell N., Martin L., Frame S., Pawłowska K., Henton E., Orton D., Anderung C., Götherström A., 2007 – Çatalhöyük Animal Bones 2007


  • Rusell N., Twiss K., Pawłowska K., Henton L., 2006 – Animal Bones, In: Catalhöyük 2006 Archive Report: Cultural And Environmental Materials Reports: 141-153


  • Pawłowska K. 2005 – Znaczenie rybołówstwa, łowiectwa i hodowli zwierząt w średniowiecznej Wenecji na Pałukach. W: J. Kozłowski, M. Woźniak (red.) Z dziejów Kujaw i Pałuk. Studia dedykowane pamięci dr. Czesława Sikorskiego, Inowrocław, Wszechnica Muzealna seria A, z.11: 92- 100

  • Twiss K., Martin L., Pawłowska K., Rusell N., 2005 – FINDS – Animal Bone, In: ÇATAL NEWS 12, The Newsletter of the Çatalhöyük Research Project

  • Twiss K., Martin L., Pawłowska K., Rusell N., 2005 – Animal Bone, In: Catalhöyük 2005 Archive Report: Cultural And Environmental Materials Reports: 120-130


  • Rusell N., Pawłowska K., Twiss K., 2004 – Animal Bone Report, In: Catalhöyük 2004 Archive Report, Turkey


  • Russel N., Martin L., Pawłowska K., 2003 – FINDS – Animal Bone, In: ÇATAL NEWS 10, The Newsletter of the Çatalhöyük Research Project

  • Russel N., Pawłowska K., Martin L., 2003 – Çatalhöyük Animal Bone Report, In: Catalhöyük 2003 Archive Report, Turkey


  • Pawłowska K., 2001 – TP area Faunal remains, In: Catalhöyük 2001 Archive Report, Turkey


  • Pawłowska K., 2000 – Badania archeozoologiczne Gniezna, W: J.Biernacka, J. Skoczylas (red.), Geologia i ochrona środowiska Wielkopolski, Poznań, Bogucki Wyd. Nauk.: 303-305